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1年9月12日 (ヰ) 10:09時点における (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

More To Know About John Lennon: An English Musician & A Peace Activist. 3214 Kippei Sakiyama John Lennon was a famous musician and peace activist. Of course I have known his name and some of his songs, but now, I will get myself to know more about him. As you know, John Lennon was known as a singer and songwriter of the British rock band The Beatles. He created many songs that insist on peace. Almost every people all over the world knows and has heard his songs about peace, such as “Imagine” and “Happy Christmas (War Is Over)”. But, do you know which part of him does these songs come from? Where does these songs come from? The answer can be written in a simple way. That comes from one part of him; he had received ‘Primal Therapy’, which is defined as ‘a form of psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to relive traumatic events, often screaming or crying, in order to achieve catharsis and a breakdown of psychological defenses‘ Then, what kind of events did he relive? John was born in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, and on October 09, 1940. His birth was naturally welcomed. But when he became a teenager, he had already experienced a child neglect. His father was a sailor and seldom came back to home, while his mother did only what she wanted to do. He had no parent that took care of him. That was a great suffering for him. When John just remembered this experience with Primal Therapy, he suddenly began shouting, rather than crying.