
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
2,657行目: 2,657行目:
She sat down on the bed and took out a cigarette and an oil lighter. She then switched the cigarette to her left hand and lit the oil lighter.
 A delightful sound echoes in the silence of the room. Only the light was dazzling in the pale darkness.
 She lights a cigarette in her left hand with a graceful touch. The gesture reminded me of a gentle breeze blowing in an empty park at night. Once the cigarette was firmly lit, she put the lid on her oil lighter and tucked it into her pocket.
 Then she smoked it with great relish. She smiled at me with her beautiful eyes narrowed, as if she had been born to smoke. She closed her eyes and exhaled the smoke from her lips. The smoke and the smoke from the tip of the cigarette drew two lines, smoked into the air, and then disappeared.
 I watched in silence. To me, she was the beauty of everything in the world. The spring breeze, the summer sun, the autumn smells, the winter light, all the beauty I knew was in her.
 The moonlight seeping through the plain lace curtains illuminated her fine white skin. She tasted her cigarette for about five minutes before putting it out.
 Spring moonlight is white. It was as translucent as thinly cracked white mica. Her soft skin looked more radiant than anything else in the light. Floating in the faint white darkness, it was so beautiful that it could be mistaken for a dream.
 She opened her closed eyes and looked at me. She had two well-shaped eyes, long eyelashes, a beautifully shaped nose, and breathtakingly beautiful red, well-shaped lips. 
 Her lips moved.
"…So, runaway boy. What do you want to do now?"
She smiled and looked at me. Then she tilts her head lightly. A breeze blows in through the window, shaking the lace curtains. The light that hangs from the gap between the curtains changes its shape. I watch the scene for a while without speaking. After the scene is burned into my eyes, I say, "I don't know,I don't know. What should I do? I..."
 She pulls up the straps of her white slip in a bored manner and says with a slight blush on her cheeks, "I'm going to stay at home with you.
I'll let you stay in my house if you're in trouble," she said. "And what will you give me for it?"
 She laughed.
 I remained silent, unable to speak. Then there was a silence that lasted long enough for a microcosm to be born, mature, and then disappear.
 She had been looking at me with a smile during that time, but suddenly her expression changed and she looked a little troubled. Then she looked at me with reproachful eyes.
she said. "You should be more grateful to have been found by such a wonderful and mature woman like me.  I think you've used all your luck for the rest of your life."
 I dropped my gaze to the wooden floor and said.
"I'm sorry. I think I'm lucky, but I don't really feel it. "
 I was getting tired of my brusque words. I am always like that. If it were true, I would be sleeping alone in my room at my father's house right now. And here I am. I'm sure she feels annoyed too.
 Tears began to well up in my eyes, and my vision temporarily lost its outline. I must not cry. I endure patiently. I hold back. And I take a deep breath. The perfume and the remnants of the cigarette she smoked invade my body. I am sure that it will pass through my blood vessels and become a part of me.
 I look up and meet her eyes. She has a very mature face. I am overwhelmed by it. She touches my chin without losing her mature smile. She pulls me back, and I fall forward, face forward.
"Whoa, I..."
 She kissed me to stop my panicked words. She poured herself into me, much denser than the air I had just inhaled. I accept it with my hands hanging down. I had no choice but to accept it.
 How long had it been? She pulled her mouth away from mine a little and said, so close that I could almost breathe on it, "It's okay. It's going to be okay. Love and love will be hereafter..." She hugs me.
 She pulls me into a hug. Then she whispered in my ear.
"…From now on, you will be able learn it with my lips."
 I wanted to stay in her arms. The spring night breeze was still cold enough to make me shiver. But while I was holding her in my arms, I felt a warmth so deep that I did not even feel the chill.
 I gently fell asleep in the warmth of a single completed warmth.

